Section 2


This is a fascinating method of prospect generation that isn’t my strength. I am a better one-one-one person and not much of a mingler but I have many agent friends who I discuss this with and will share what I have learned from them. Let’s start with a video that explains why you should one, […]

What’s the Goal?

“What’s the goal?” is one of the phone wallpapers to remind me to focus on the goal, not the distractions or whatever feels good. I don’t work so much with agents anymore on handling objections because I felt that become this odd competition. They could handle objection but were seeking that out instead of the appointment. […]

The Simplest Follow Up System

This the simplest way I have ever heard to follow-up and it just proves we get in our own way. I’ve asked lots of people, do you have a car guy? Almost no one says yes. But the gentleman below talks about a guy who gets an unbelievable amount of referral business every month. So […]

Dealing With Clients

I really loaded up my work having this and Dealing With Agents in the same section but they go hand in hand. The Unicorn House That magical one of a kind home that they want but you know it doesn’t exist. How do you explain this to them when they claim their friend’s mother’s cousin’s […]

Dealing With Agents

There is so much to unpack here. Real estate has the brightest, nicest and most helpful people in it. It also has the dark, greedy and selfish people. Let’s just go through the process of buying a home and take this step by step and interaction by interaction. Setting Up A Showing Try not to […]

Buyer’s Consultation

Here’s Ethan Frelly, Lead Buyer’s Agent with Beltran Properties Group, where I’m also the Director of Sales. I wanted to get his take on the Buyer’s consultation as he has done hundreds of these. It’s easy to skip sitting down with the new buyers and not go over the process of buying. You might […]

Online Prospect Scripts

The Pursuit of Prospects is a very personal thing. Everyone has their own history and code of conduct beat into them by their parents and past experiences of how to deal with strangers. I haven’t done everything below but I know of agents that have had success with these different methods. And if you ever […]

Paradox of Choice The Paradox of Choice is very basic terms is that you might believe you want as many choices as possible but invariably, it makes your life more difficult. The studied two companies that offered 401K plans. The one company that offered three options had a significantly higher opt-in rate than the other company that […]

The Hyena

There are several names for that little voice in your head. Some call it the crow, others a drunk monkey. I’m going with Hyena. You’ve no doubt heard that maniacal laugh of a Hyena on some nature show or on a wild dip into YouTube. It’s a terrible sound. And unfortunately, that voice is our […]

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