Real Estate Traps

Real Estate Traps

Over my years in real estate, these are traps that have almost got me or I’ve seen get others. They are easy to avoid if you know they exist.

Real Estate Trap #1 – Getting Into Battles

Real Estate Trap #2 – Not Involving Your Spouse

Real Estate Trap #3 – Being Reactive

Real Estate Trap #4 – Not Timeblocking

Real Estate Trap #5 – Being a Victim

Real Estate Trap #6 – Chasing Shiny Objects

Real Estate Trap #7 – Thinking Like You Are The Client

Real Estate Trap #8 – Not Having a Mentor or Coach

Real Estate Trap #9 – Not Asking For the Business

Real Estate Trap #10 – Overqualifying Your Clients

Real Estate Trap #11 – Pride and Ego

Real Estate Trap #12 – Thinking This Is Flexible

Real Estate Trap #13 – Losing The Reality of Money

Real Estate Trap #14 – Not Being In The Moment

Real Estate Trap #15 – Not Understanding Affirmations

Exercise: Look at 2-3 of these that you think might be a danger for you and assess how you might avoid it by either awareness, support or resources.

Do the work, get the results.

Next Lesson >> Impact of Words

Real Estate Traps
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