Section 5

Dare Mighty Things

“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, […]

The Myth of Just Do It

We’re winding down our time for ROAR! I appreciate you sticking with it for this long. Let’s talk about “Just do it!” It does work to get the overanalyzers to just stop thinking and start doing it. There is a time to put a plan into action but I think it’s the wrong thing to […]

Getting Clients Off The Fence

The Mighty Script is amazing at helping finding people their own motivations. You will still have some people that aren’t getting past some fears about change or perceived risk. Getting Clients Off The Fence We’re going to expand on the idea you learned in the 25-Year Goal. You learned about the Future Negative and Future […]

Time Blocking This is the best video that I have found to really explain time blocking.  We have to decide on how we spend our lives, in business and personally. Figuring out the big chunks are important. Since this is real estate training, let’s make it stick in the realm of real estate. There are five […]


“Discipline is freedom,” says Jocko Willink. That was such a hard concept for me to wrap my brain around for so long. But as I learned about Decision Fatigue, Choice Paradox, Timeblocking, and checklists, it all made sense.  I was a heavy procrastinator for a long time mainly because I didn’t have any negative consequences. […]

25 Year Goal

I’ve had the opportunity to interview a lot of agents and ask what their 5-year goals. Few come up with anything. And it makes sense, many of us are just trying to get this year done, especially in the age of corona.  Now take an Anniversary dinner versus a random evening dinner. One gets planned […]

A, B, C Clients

“A” clients are “ready, willing and able.” B’s are two of those three and C’s are just one. The reason to rank clients is to help you decide how much time to spend on them.  I had one of our newer agents show me a list of 12 clients they had in their pipeline. After […]


This business will destroy you if you let it and one of those angles of destruction is lack of rest. Rest This is a 24-hour business if you let it be, especially in the beginning. I often make the analogy that starting a real estate business is like a plane during takeoff. It’s bumpy, loud, […]

Impact of Words

Words matter. They matter to some people more than others which is its own issue but they do matter, so watch how you use it.  Impact of Words When I was 14 there was a girl I liked. I had a crush on her. It was a Summer thing and we were hanging out one […]

Real Estate Traps

Over my years in real estate, these are traps that have almost got me or I’ve seen get others. They are easy to avoid if you know they exist. Real Estate Trap #1 – Getting Into Battles Real Estate Trap #2 – Not Involving Your Spouse Real Estate Trap #3 – Being Reactive Real Estate […]

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