I’ve had the opportunity to interview a lot of agents and ask what their 5-year goals. Few come up with anything. And it makes sense, many of us are just trying to get this year done, especially in the age of corona.
Now take an Anniversary dinner versus a random evening dinner. One gets planned out ahead of time, there are expectations of fun and excitement. With a random evening, there’s “What do you want?” “I don’t know, what do you want?” Then the typical list and wasted time trying to figure it out. Which one do you want for your life?
The 25-Year Goal
I figure I already have half of you considering skipping this lesson. Bear with me and keep an open mind. It’s hard to hit a target you can’t see. So let’s find a target.
“But I want my life to be free and open to possibilities!” you exclaim. Yep, I get that. I believe this exercise will help you open yourself up to even more possibilities than you are thinking of right now. This is an exercise to expand your limitations.
This is from Tom Bilyeu and something he asks interviewees. “If you had a genie that could grant you just one wish that was just for you, no bringing people back from the dead or curing cancer, just something that is for you, what would it be?”
Now I want you to stop and really think about it. Do it now.
Sorry for those of you that did it, I need to have the rest of the class stop and actually think about this to get the full effect. Bunch of skimmers.
The answer Tom got each time was the same, $1,000,000. You have a genie that can do anything and you picked a $1,000,000? Now, this was an odd situation with a possible boss asking this of someone. So I asked my friends and family.
I got a few answers of a million dollars. Most under $100 million and then a couple that hit a billion or more. It’s interesting isn’t it? Endless possibility and we still thought small.
We have some fears and past associations that hold us back. If you are now changing your thinking to more money or even something that isn’t money related, what was the Hyena saying to keep you small?
Did the Hyena tell you how many problems you would have if you got your wish? Did it say you would lose it all? Did it tell you that you didn’t deserve it? That’s a big one. Do you deserve to live a good life? Do you deserve to live a better life than your parents? That hangs a lot of people up.
Let’s work on some big thinking to prime the pump:
- Most sales in the states
- Most sales in the country
- More sales than the next biggest real estate brokerage
- Traveling 300 days a year and selling 300 homes
- Retired in 3 years
- Buy an island
- Send 1,000,000 kids to college
I have no idea what your big, maybe even secret, dreams are but hopefully, you do. Take the big outlandish dream and write it down. Write it down in detail because fuzzy targets are hard to hit.
I have a secret, outlandish goal with ROARing Agents and even as I write this to inspire you, it’s causing me to think bigger. I have a road map of how many agents I want to help through this. My first number was small and humble. The next number that I said when asked by someone was bigger but more because I realized that a small number didn’t sound good. As I’ve continued to build this, that number has grown and I’ve gotten out of my own limiting beliefs while doing something new.
Here’s the best part, it’s your goal that you are working on. You can change it. You’re not stuck because you said this is where you will be in 25 years. No! This is just a roadmap. Maybe you thought you wanted to drive across the country but then you found some more interesting detours and you took those. That’s fine.
Let’s Start
You know where you are and what you have been doing unless you are a new agent. If you are new, this part won’t stick as well today but maybe in six months.
Close your eyes and imagine it’s five years from now. Nothing has really changed, you’re still doing business the way you have been doing business and keeping relationships that same. You’ve been growing or shrinking your business at the same pace. You have the same obstacles, problems and you’ve gained weight at the same rate you did the last 5 years. Live in that moment, feel it, and experience it.
Open your eyes and feel if that is the life you want and imagined you would have. Shake it off if it wasn’t that great. Take some quick deep breaths and reset.
Now put a big smile on your face and close your eyes. Go back to your new, bigger plan for your life. Where are you in 5 years with this new goal? What has changed? What are the positive outcomes of this bigger journey? How does it affect your relationships? How have you grown? How has your confidence and self-esteem grown? Fully immerse yourself in this future positive moment. Let your smile get bigger. Once you have lived this moment. Open your eyes.
Do you want to change that 25-year goal? Did you see yourself in there thriving?
Now for the last step, walk into the space that you most associate with that 25-year goal. Meet up with future you and have a conversation. I’m not going to say what you should talk about, you know what you want to ask. Come back when you are done.
At this point, it’s up to you what you want to do. I hope you have a clearer idea of what you could be doing in the future. I hope it’s positive focused and I hope you are running towards it like your hair is on fire.
Exercise: You should have already done it. I might suggest that you put a calendar reminder to do this again in six months.
Do the work, get the results.
Next Lesson >> Habits