The Toolbox Fallacy

Toolbox Fallacy Roaring Agents

It’s so easy to think we are missing a tool or a resource to build our business or live our dream. And really, why are you in real estate if it isn’t part of your dream life?

I want you to imagine real estate 20 years ago. Electronic signatures weren’t a thing. Faxes were barely legal for signing documents. Cell phones were getting tinier and tinier and texting was a mess. The Portland MLS wasn’t even web-based. We put everything in via a DOS system with a blue screen. There were no social media. We still used the white pages. You looked people up via tax records. 

Go back 30 years with no cell phones. Running around with dimes to call back to the office to check on messages. The MLS was a monthly book that was distributed to agents. You had to create a market analysis flipping through pages and writing down properties in columns.

Now we are faced with hundreds of tools. There are lead gen systems, databases, websites, electronic signatures sites, and on and on.

Some people start to believe that they can’t do business without those tools. It’s rare that a deal comes together without a relationship, and while these tools may help you create and maintain relationships, this was done long before the tools.

You might believe you can’t move forward without the right script. I find it amusing when I give a script to someone and they say, “Well, that doesn’t sound like me.”  Scripts help, and we will talk about them later, but for now, know that you will develop your scripts over time. You will never be perfect. So let go of that now. Make your mistakes and stop waiting to start. 

The Toolbox Fallacy is also a way for you to hide from what you need to do. You might not have confidence in starting. The lack of a supposedly needed tool is an excuse. Don’t fall for it.

This is where you need to be urgent.

Exercise: The Stoics believe that you should periodically act like you have nothing. Imagine you had no tools or more knowledge available to you than what you have at this moment. How would you build a business in 1989? Think about that and write your plan. If you can do that, you will no doubt be successful.

Do the work, get the results.

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The Toolbox Fallacy
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