
Rest Real Estate Training

This business will destroy you if you let it and one of those angles of destruction is lack of rest.


This is a 24-hour business if you let it be, especially in the beginning. I often make the analogy that starting a real estate business is like a plane during takeoff. It’s bumpy, loud, takes a lot of energy and you wonder if you are going to crash.

“If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first six of them sharpening my ax.” – Abraham Lincoln

First of all let’s remember Parkinson’s Law which states, “Work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” So if we understand these two points, it might be easier to find the time to rest and the value of being in the best mental shape.

For those that aren’t familiar with professional basketball, there are four 12-minute quarters of play. Lebron James, the best player on the court right now, doesn’t play 48 minutes and the only time he did was in Game 7 against the Celtics in 2018.

The NBA is a business and business is better when they win. So why do they rest their starting five instead of playing them the whole game? Because it makes them more effective. Their bodies recover and their mental game recovers.

You can’t sprint a mile. So take some time off, don’t work 16 hour day over and over. Control your schedule.

And the last thing I want to talk about is sleep. Pick up Matthew Walker’s book titled, “Why We Sleep “ or check out Peter Attia podcast with Matthew Walker and learn why good sleep and good sleep habits are so important.

Exercise: Look at your schedule. Do you have time off on purpose or are you just grabbing bits and pieces here and there? What is your stress level like?

Do the work, get the results.

Next Lesson >> A, B, C Clients

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