Jerry Seinfeld has a routine where he talks about weddings. The bride is in a gorgeous one of a kind dress and all of the bridesmaids are in something hideous to make the bride look wonderful. On the groom’s side, they have all dressed alike. That’s in case the groom runs off, the groomsmen all take one step to the right. He is literally called the best man. That’s how the public sees real estate agents – we’re all the same so it doesn’t matter which one you pick.
How do you stand out as a real estate agent?
What did you decide about who you wanted to be in the Authenticity lesson? Whether you are going to put on a front or be yourself, you need to accentuate what makes you different.
Back a long time ago, OkCupid found that hiding who you were in pictures didn’t help you find a match. Hiding the tattoo, the snaggletooth, or whatever just made you look more ordinary. While two women might have an equal attractiveness rating overall, the one that had “polarizing” features stood out. Most people agree that Jennifer Aniston is beautiful while Angelina would average a similar score most guys I have talked to are either a “hell yes” or a “hell no” of whether she is attractive. Some ladies go for guys with the Dadbod and others want the bodybuilders, and I’m pretty sure they don’t change their minds. If you are trying to appeal to everyone, you will appeal to no one.
There’s an agent that wears a cowboy hat everywhere. There’s an agent in my area that helps people find “garages with homes.” Another is the “Bike Realtor” and she shows homes in bike-friendly Portland. One specialized in Cul-de-sac, another on mid-century modern homes.
Whether it’s your personality, your style, your knowledge, your methods, or whatever, you need to stand out and be known for something in your sphere and hopefully your community. Otherwise, you are just one random agent out of thousands.
Exercise: Ask yourself, or your friends, what makes you stand out as a real estate agent? Then decide if that is how you want to be known or if you want it to be something else.
Do the work, get the results.
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