
Grit Roaring Agents


After talking and training agents for so long, what I have discovered is that real estate will challenge you in ways that you cannot begin to expect. You will find strengths and weaknesses you didn’t know about. You will be put into situations that will test you over and over.


Real estate isn’t easy. You’re going to read that a lot here. While I don’t want to discourage you, the truth is, if I CAN discourage you by saying this isn’t easy, that might be a sign for you that this path might not be for you. 



Imagine the spokes of a wagon wheel. Each spoke is an entirely different job in real estate. Those jobs take different qualities, talents and skills. In the beginning, without a team, you are the entire wheel.



Negotiator, marketer, networker, therapist, mediator, business manager, contract expert, file clerk, delivery driver, tour guide, scheduler, transaction manager, stager, photographer, graphic designer, courier, hiring manager, and probably more. Very, very few people are good at it all. You just need to hold it together long enough to afford some help to take over what you aren’t great at doing.

Grit happens when you decide you are in this for the long term. When you become committed instead of just interested, you will find the grit.

I often joke with agents that you aren’t a real agent until you have thought about quitting. You will question your abilities, skills and luck. What I have found is those with a belief that they can become more are much more likely to succeed than those that just give up and say they are who they are. Watch the video below on Growth Mindset. It’s pretty interesting. 


So, you’re still in this for the long term? Both feet firmly on the path? Then let’s keep going.



Exercise: Write down three times you felt that you showed grit. Ask yourself why you pushed through and what positive emotion was involved in it.

Do the work, get the results.

Next Lesson >> Urgently Patient

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