125 Prospect Generation Ideas

125 Prospecting ideas Roaring Agents

“How do I find new prospects?” I hear this so often from agents that I decided to jot down some ideas. While some/many might seem obvious or even redundant to you, I guarantee some of the variants of these ideas are mind-blowers to some agents. Put everyone you know of into a database and contact them.

And before you try to do 20 of these, go back to the Paths lesson and refresh yourself on that. Select things that are part of your path and that you are willing to do consistently for 3 months. 

  1. Call your sphere (people who know and like you) 
  2. Call your weak ties (people you haven’t talked to in years)
  3. Message your sphere (Facebook, text, email)
  4. Have get-togethers (dinner, happy hour, BBQ)
  5. Popping by a sphere of influence’s home
  6. Join the local chamber
  7. Join networking groups
  8. Partner with a good lender
  9. Produce a monthly newsletter
  10. Create your own networking group
  11. Housewarming parties for buyers
  12. Run Google ads
  13. Open Houses (multiples in a day, all day, several a week)
  14. Run Facebook ads
  15. Postcards (Just Listed, Just Sold, Market Update, What’s My Home Worth)
  16. Farm a neighborhood (Postcards, flyers, doorknocking, FB ads)
  17. Build a Social Media presence
  18. Comment on 90 posts a day
  19. Put content on YouTube (market, local business, common real estate questions, news)
  20. Figure out your perfect client and then target them online
  21. Call expired listings
  22. Call For Sale By Owners
  23. Wear a nametag
  24. Call around neighborhoods
  25. Doorknock neighborhoods
  26. Website presence (IDX, blogging)
  27. Visit businesses and introduce yourself
  28. Podcasts (Real estate, separate field to get to know more people)
  29. Be the real estate expert through classes, social media, news
  30. Send hand-written notes
  31. Build a network of out of area agents to generate referrals
  32. Give presentations to groups
  33. Get more involved in charities
  34. Build trusted alliances – business leaders, politicians, lenders, etc
  35. Get your car wrapped in messaging
  36. Offer free home valuation
  37. Sponsor events close to your heart to meet like-minded people
  38. Run ads in school programs
  39. Get to know divorce lawyers
  40. Use Slybroadcast to get voicemails out to your known contacts
  41. Connect w/ busier agents to get their extra leads (usually cheaper homes)
  42. Give gifts for referrals (not when they close, when they are given)
  43. Get to know local news personalities
  44. Contact absentee owners
  45. Pumpkin Pie giveaway
  46. Organize a neighborhood wine crawl (trick or treat for adults)
  47. Frequent the same places so they get to know you
  48. Have a top referrer dinner every quarter
  49. Build SEO on your website
  50. Do seasonal drop-offs (flags, seeds, pumpkins)
  51. Tap into investors
  52. Teach a first-time homebuyer’s class
  53. Visit banks (mortgage officer turnover is high)
  54. Be the expert in online groups
  55. Sponsor someone else’s booth at a farmer’s market
  56. Wear branded clothing
  57. Build up reviews on Zillow, Google and Yelp
  58. Billboards, park bench, grocery store advertising
  59. Give referrals to others (Law of Reciprocity)
  60. Work a niche (garage agent,  cul-de-sac agent, biking agent)
  61. Facebook sale groups
  62. Meet up groups (often people new in town finding their tribe)
  63. Create a community Facebook page w/o real estate focus
  64. Be on the board of group or business
  65. Do a local radio show
  66. Organize a neighborhood garage sale
  67. Send monthly market updates – Corefact or other website tools
  68. Deliver door hangers
  69. Give out swag – pens, sunglasses, hats 
  70. Support schools/police/firefighters with lunch or supplies
  71. Pay it forward at a coffee shop/have cashier let them know you paid
  72. Speak at career day for schools
  73. Participating in local online real estate discussions (Nextdoor, Reddit)
  74. Write a book and sell it/giveaway (you can buy ghostwritten books)
  75. Donate to friend’s charities
  76. Donate to kid’s fundraising
  77. Volunteer for local fundraising and charities
  78. Search/answer questions on Reddit
  79. Offer something of value in return for their contact information
  80. Become an advocate for seniors
  81. Partner with delivery service to add your flyer (like on a pizza box)
  82. Host a neighborhood concert
  83. Offer a moving truck to your clients on move day
  84. Connect with real estate attorneys
  85. Find absentee owners through title or tax records
  86. Radio ads
  87. Write a book about real estate (self-publish or ebook)
  88. Be the business connector (“I gotta guy”)
  89. Advertise on a local Podcast
  90. Run an area community Facebook page
  91. TV ads
  92. Have a booth at home and wedding shows
  93. Donate a part of your income to charities and advertise it
  94. Build your reviews on Zillow, Google, Yelp, etc.
  95. Get interviewed by news stations and podcasters
  96. Host movie night at a theater
  97. Build community websites with resources
  98. Teach real estate investor classes
  99. Create custom signs for each listing
  100. Hold exclusive twilight or other uniquely timed open houses
  101. Be opinionated (polarizing) – it’s risky but your tribe will find you
  102. Become well-known by being everywhere (retargeted ads)
  103. Make a hype video about you, your team or brokerage
  104. Get unique business cards – odd dimensions or with offers
  105. Organize a food drive
  106. Adopt a street, get your name on the sign
  107. Search/answer real estate questions on Twitter
  108. Publish a recurring article/column in magazines and newspapers
  109. Get a memorable style to stand out (bowtie, unique hat, hairstyle, etc)
  110. Consistently blog
  111. Get season tickets and give them away or share with a client
  112. Send home anniversary notes or make calls
  113. Send birthday cards or make calls
  114. Recent transplants often go to meetup groups to connect with the community
  115. Add an 800 number to your listing sign
  116. Run a coming soon launch for your listings
  117. Sit at a coffee shop while your laptop is adorned with real estate stickers
  118. Stand on the street corner with a sign that says will sell homes for food – Story to come later
  119. Teach a course at a local college
  120. Get a professional website
  121. Use landing/squeeze pages
  122. Make it easy to contact you by having your contact info on everything
  123. Offer a guarantee to buy the listing if you don’t sell it
  124. Three-foot rule – everyone within three feet of you learns you are a Realtor
  125. Just ask for business.
Exercise: Figure out which ones fit your path. Don’t pick too many as that will stretch you too thin.
Do the work, get the results.
 Next Lesson >>  Authenticity
125 Prospect Generation Ideas
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