A bunch of agents have really made Open Houses work for them and built up a thriving business as a result.
This method is a fantastic way to chat with interested buyers and get to know loads of homes and neighborhoods.
As with any strategy, when you choose to go down this path, you need to be all in. Just holding a single Open House on a Sunday for a couple of hours doesn’t make you an Open House pro. This approach is all about running as many Open Houses as you can manage every week.
It’s not just about having multiple Open Houses on weekends, but also keeping an eye out for houses you can open up during the week. Since a lot of people work from home these days, why not hold Open Houses during typical afternoon hours on weekdays? If you’re in an area with commuters, set up Twilight Opens from 6-8 pm.
As one agent put it, “Why would I just sit around in the office or at home when I could be at an Open House, waiting for a potential new client to walk in?”
Some agents even like to make the first Open House an exclusive event for neighbors the night before the public one. They might bring in a food truck and some wine to make it a fun gathering. This is an awesome way to meet the neighbors, show off your skills, and let everyone know what you’re all about. Plus, it makes for a great impression and helps build connections in the community. So, go all in on Open Houses, and watch your business grow!
If you are ready, here’s how to hold an Open House.
Things to consider if this is your chosen path:
- You are always busy on the weekends
- If it’s your path, you have to be doing so much more than just sitting in an open house. If you aren’t doorknocking, sending postcards, talking to agents, lenders, past and current clients about the open house, or doing any of the many things that are associated with Open Houses, you’re likely wasting your time.
- You have to love strangers.
- You need to develop the ability to make quick rapport