Mindset is 90%
The only battle is the one between your ears.
Mindset is crucial for success because it shapes how we tackle challenges and reach our goals. Having a growth mindset helps us stay resilient, bounce back from setbacks, and keep pushing forward. Plus, it builds our self-confidence, inspiring us to take risks and chase our dreams.
The right mindset also encourages us to focus on solutions, stay open to feedback, and continuously learn and grow. And let’s not forget, it creates a positive attitude that attracts more opportunities and like-minded people. So, if you want lasting success, start by working on your mindset—it’s a game changer.
Grit – Understanding grit and growth mindset
Small Wins – Combat doubt by tracking small wins
Urgently Patient – That unique blend of success
Toolbox Fallacy – The belief that the missing right tool is holding you back
Accountability – Simpler than you think and more important that you might admit
Decision Fatigue – Why our willpower wanes and how to keep it from depleting so we make better decisions
The Hyena – Here’s multiple way to tame those laughing, judging voices in your head.
Decision Fatigue – Why our willpower wanes and how to keep it from depleting so we make better decisions
Choice Paradox – Why your clients can’t make a decision and how to help you show less homes
Dealing With Agents – All of the different situations you might have with agents and what to expect
What’s The Goal – We fall off the path because we forget the goal. Win the war, forget the battles.
The Value of a Client – What is a client worth to your business over 21 years?
Reticular Activator – There’s a reason you notice what you notice
Presenting Offers – Some strategies to help you get the offer accepted
How We Make Decisions – We aren’t as logical as you think
The Alter Ego Effect – Hard to explain but easy to understand and use
Impact of Words – The different ways words affect us and our business
Rest – Where the hustle, hustle mentality breaksdown
25-Year Goal – How big are you thinking? What’s your target
Just Do It? – My rant against people pushing one way to do things. Get in your flow
Dare Mighty – Let’s wrap this up