Let me eliminate the biggest fear of hiring
a real estate coach by offering a true guarantee.
In real estate, we bet on ourselves.
We do the work, and if we get results, we get paid.
This isn’t a “your money back” situation where you have to fight to get it back.
This is a real guarantee where you don’t pay anything until the end of each month.
I offer tons of free resources and training at RoaringAgents.com but sometimes it takes more than information to create a transformation.
My History
The next concern an agent might have is that the coaching is geared toward one type of agent. I am not the cookie-cutter coach.
There are a million ways to make it in real estate and I believe that the only reason to be in real estate is to live your best life.
That can’t happen if you are a round peg being shoved into a square hole. The most important part of all of this is to find where your strengths are and optimize it as much as possible.

The foundation of our work comes from the DISC profile. This helps us both understand how you work, where your strengths are, and what your weaknesses are.
As you learn this tool, you will communicate with your clients on a much higher level. We all know the Golden Rule. The Platinum Rule is to treat others as they want to be treated. The DISC gives you that ability within moments of meeting most people.
This will also help your personal and other professional relationships. I have seen it help people understand their spouses so much more.
Many of the agents I coach know what they COULD be doing but can’t quite get themselves to do it.
They can see the bigger life but it feels out of reach.
They can’t figure out how to get out of their own way, even though they have tried for so long.
And they feel they are the only one going through this and that no one can help.
I have worked to build that bridge to the other side.

Something else I do that few, if any, coaches do, is what I call “In The Game” Coaching.
Some of the best coaching happens when the tough moments are happening. I have talked agents through problem clients, difficult situations with other agents, panic attacks, scripting, breakdowns and so much more.
These issues can sometimes be forgotten about by the time the scheduled coaching call comes around so getting help in that moment can be so much more powerful.

A few of the 117 tools and 7 Coaching Models that I use.

My name is Mike Rohrig and I have been a licensed Realtor since 2001. I started as an assistant, got my license that same year, received my Principal Broker’s license in 2005 and managed a boutique real estate office for 5 years.
I was Director of Sales for 6 years for Beltran Properties Group in Portland Oregon.
I have seen real estate from just about every angle possible which gives me the perspective that there’s not just one way to succeed in real estate.
I run the free training site Roaring Agents where I have put my 20+ years of experience and host the Roaring Agents podcast.
I am a certified Success Coach and certified in the DISC assessment from The Abelson Group.
I’m a high CS on the DISC profile and if you know about that, then you know I live to help others and I dive in to know as much as I can to be as accurate as possible. If you have any questions, text me at 503-597-8003.


1-On-1 Streamlined Coaching
per month
Call for a free consultation
- Two 30 Minute Calls A Month
- Results Focused
- Mindset
- Goal Setting
- Accountability
- Tracking Numbers
- No Long Term Contract
Full Access
per month
Call for a free consultation
- 30 Minute Calls Weekly
- 90 Minutes of "In the Game" Coaching Available Each Week
- Find The Right Mindset
- Business Planning
- Get Accountability
- Create Stronger Systems
- Find Your Voice
- Find Your Path
- Build Habits
- Work Through Obstacles and Challenges
- Discounts for paying 12 or 6 months in advance
to discuss your team
Call for a free consultation
- 2 Or 4 Calls A Month
- Access To Reports
- DISC Reports For Each Agent
- Team DISC Compatibility Report
- "In The Game" Coaching